You know you can
You know you can do better. Make use of that knowledge.
It’s not an indictment of the way you’ve lived up until now. It’s an acknowledgement of your best possibilities.
You know you can do better, so consider precisely what that would look like. Then with great enthusiasm let those thoughts inspire you into positive action.
You have a wealth of experience about what enhances life and what diminishes it. Resolve to put that valuable experience to more intentional and consistent use.
As time moves forward you have the choice to move with it in a positive direction. While each day quickly recedes into the past you can bring forth value and goodness that endure.
You’ve created much that’s good, and now you have the opportunity to do even better. See the great worth of that opportunity, and embrace it with all you have.
Impossible becoming possible
You probably can’t do the impossible. But you’ll never know for sure unless you make the attempt.
The history of achievement, perhaps even including some of your own, is filled with examples of the impossible becoming possible. People give it a shot and sometimes they do succeed.
You may or may not achieve the impossible. Yet on the way there you’re likely to make some pretty impressive progress.
The higher the challenge, the more strength, skill, competence and persistence you’ll gain from pursuing it. Seeking to do what you cannot do gets you a whole lot better at what you can do, even if you fall short of achieving the impossible.
At the outer boundaries of what’s possible you’ll find fertile ground, rich opportunities, and a new perspective on your own capabilities. It’s territory that’s certainly worth venturing into now and then.
There have always existed possibilities beyond the possibilities. Experience the value in seeking some of your own.
Dare to achieve
Go ahead and dream. Go ahead and act on your dream.
Dare to desire improvement, progress, achievement, fulfillment. Do the work to make it happen.
Embrace the challenges as they point the way to your goal. Learn, adapt, inquire, wonder, and most of all, act.
Your life today is greatly enhanced by the ambition, competence, and achievement of countless individuals going back for centuries. Keep the goodness of their achievements going with your own positive focus and dedication.
Seek to better understand and experience the reality of existence. Work to improve upon what you discover.
The possibilities have no limit. Do your part to bring the best ones into being.—